The Perfect Gift: Tea.

Posted by Tati on 2021 Nov 21st

Everything is better with Tea!

Do you know that one of the most popular search on Google is for the perfect gift ideas for your loved ones and

friends. I am also guilty of spending hours online, trying to find gifts that will bring a smile to the ones I hold

dear. More often, it's not the gift that makes an impact but the care and thoughtfulness of your choice. Tea is a gift a

nature that holds so many benefits and every blend is a palatable adventure. Gifting teas is a great way to show that

someone is special! 

This year, I decided to give the gift of TEA

Here's 3 reasons why Tea is the Perfect Gift:

  • A Healthy Gift.

For centuries, tea has been used as a medicinal drink. The Chinese has been drinking to bring wellness and comfort.

The Caribbean uses the many herbal leaves available to create very bitter yet effective brews to treat all types of

sicknesses. In more recent years, the West has found scientific proofs that support the healthy properties of teas

such as containing Antioxidants, Vitamins, Minerals and much more. Having a variety of quality tea regularly will help

you achieve all your healthy goals. Most heathy teas are Green Tea, Black Tea, White Tea, Oolong and some pure

herbs not mixed. 

  • A Therapeutic Gift

Huh? I know you are wondering how tea is therapeutic. Thanks to the many hours of meditation, the Monks

discovered the real power of tea, the L-Theanine. Theanine is an amino acid found in tea that is used to improve

mental function, mental impairment,  stress, anxiety and other conditions. We can ease our mind and focus better

when drinking tea. There are teas that help you sleep and some that will help you stay awake. Great teas to help you

relax are Chamomile, Lavender and Rooibos. Need to stay awake? Matcha, Yerba Mate and Earl Grey are good


  • An Intimate Gift

To me, this tops off any list of a perfect gift. Knowing someone well enough to know what they like, want and need is

the best way to show your love for them. Finding the right tea for the right person is a perfect match. With so many

range of flavors, blends and types, you will always find the suitable blend. We recommend for you to try to teas and

selecting the ones that best represents the person that you are thinking of. Take them on an adventure with new

flavors and new types of teas. Choose a blend that is relevant to the message that the tea blend will carry. 

Great way of Spilling the tea!

In the end, you can't go wrong with tea. Even if that person isn't a tea lover, they will be grateful to you when they sip on it when they need it ( like when they have a cold). Tea is also a great way to explore other cultures like India with Chai, China with Keemum Black Tea, Japan with Matcha, Jamaica with Hibiscus, Latin America with Yerba Mate, Haiti with Ti Bonm and so many more to name! Tea is a perfect drink to share when having people over and adds the right mood for any conversations. It's time for you to share the love of teas.

Tea is Always a Good Idea!